Category: Personal Thought

  • Section of a Paper

  • My life Now

    Source: PHD Comic: The Purpose

  • 2. As George Box famously noted:  “…the statistician knows…that in nature there never was a normal distribution, there never was a straight line, yet with normal and linear assumptions, known to be false, he can often derive results which match, to a useful approximation, those found in the real world.” (JASA, 1976, Vol. 71, 791-799) …

  • The collinearity problem in regression arises when at least one linear function of the independent variables is very nearly equal to zero. (Techni- cally, a set of vectors is collinear when a linear function is exactly equal to zero. In general discussions of the collinearity problem, the term “collinear” is often used to apply to…

  • This tiny car can change shape and drive sideways

    แวเ วิืผสทืทแอมใerman researchers have developed a flexible electric car. Source: This tiny car can change shape and drive sideways