Here is the things I like about Vienna. I will keep updating this post.
1. Great quality mineral water … and it’s FREE!
If you came to Vienna and have a conversation with someone who live here. You will absolutely been telling about the water of the Vienna. I was told that the water of Vienna come directly from the mountain without any need of water pump or any treatment station. The best part is it go directly to the tap in your kitchen! WOW I was drinking the best clean natural water from the tap! However, I decide to dig down on the internet to find more information. Turn out that they do build the water treatment plant near the spring water area. Those areas are well preserve to prevent the contamination of particles in the water. See the map for the flow of water.

Furthermore, There are a lot of “Trinkwasser” station around Vienna. Mostly in the tourist spot, park. The trinkwasser is the German word for “drinking water”. Yes. You can drink those water – for free.

2. Trust-able, Cheap Public Transportation.

Well, my hometown is Bangkok. It is the top 10 world ranking traffic jam city. I usually spent 2-3 hours on the road in my private car. It will take you more time for the public transport. The connection also very bad. Hence, it is like a paradise for me when I use the public transport in Vienna. It is mostly always on time! the sign at every bus, tram and metro will tell you how much time you need to wait in minutes.
if you are new here. There are a lot of mobile applications that will help you with the route planning. the basic one is Google Maps which working just fine. However, if you want to get more inside such as monitoring the time for all line, getting the report about malfunctioning elevator. you should use Quando – It will change to WienMobile soon. so if you can’t find it please use the second one.
The price for the public transport is also very cheap! For a yearly ticket you just pay as low as 1.2 EUR/day!